[ c%NOTENUMC*<LINENUMC*<TEXTC*< 000000 000010Capturing with the Queen 000011prevents the isolation of 000012Black's Queen Pawn resulting 000013from : 000015 4 ... KPxP 000016 5 PxP 000020When Black recaptures with the 000021King Pawn, it opens a diagonal 000022for the Queen Bishop 000030A good first move. White 000031starts by controlling the 000032center of the board. 000040The first move of the French. 000041Black intends on advancing 000042the Queen Pawn, attacking 000043White's King Pawn and trying 000044to control the center also. 000050White continues to control 000051more of the center. 000060Black just changed the game 000061from a King's Pawn to a 000062Queen's Pawn opening. 000070The first move of the Tarrasch 000071variation of the French. This 000072move protects the King Pawn 000073without N-QB3. N-QB3 would be 000074subject to the pin resulting 000075from 3 ... B-N5. Now if the 000076Black bishop moves to N5, the 000077QBP can block. The Knight 000078move does however block in the 000080Black develops a piece and at 000081the same time attack's White's 000082Queen Pawn. 000090Black attack's the King Pawn. 000091Unfortunately White can make 000092the Knight move again by 000093pushing the King Pawn to K5. 000079Queen Bishop. 0000a0Black continues to attack the 0000a1center almost at will. The 0000a2White Queen is blocked and the 0000a3Knight on Q2 is not attacking 0000a4Black's Queen Pawn. 0000b0White can continue with the 0000b1following set of moves : 0000b3 7 O-O ... 0000b4 8 Q-K2 ... 0000b5 9 R-Q1 ... 0000b6 10 N-N3 ... 0000b8which should win back the 0000b9pawn with a strong position. 0000c0White aims to isolate Black's 0000c1Queen Pawn. 0000d0Usually a simple check like 0000d1this can be discounted. But 0000d2White is really trying to 0000d3isolate Black's QP. Once it 0000d4has been isolated, White will 0000d5simplify the position by trad- 0000d6ing pieces. If this happens, 0000d7Black goes into the middle and 0000d8end games with a defective 0000d9pawn structure. 0000e0Still headed for an end game 0000e1that has Black stuck with an 0000e2isolated Queen Pawn. 0000f0Black is almost forced into 0000f1this move. 0000f3If 6 ... B-K2 then 0000f4 7 PxP and White has a 0000f5 Pawn plus. 0000f7If 6 ... B-K3 then White has 0000f8 7 KN-B3 ... followed by 0000f9 9 N-N3 ... 0000f: 10 QN-Q4 ... with pressure 0000f; on Black's QN and QB 000100White enjoys a lead in 000101development and Black has an 000102isolated Pawn. Black on the 000103other hand has a fairly free 000104game, not much in the way of 000105compensation. 000110White can now continue with 000112 10 QN-Q4 ... 000113 11 B-KB4 ... 000114 12 O-O-O 000116White can then pile up on the 000117isolated Queen Pawn with a 000118good game. 000018However, the Queen has been 000019prematurely developed. White 00001:can chase the Queen obtaining 00001;a lead in development. 000130Black can avoid exchanging 000131Queens with this move, but it 000132usually leads to the loss of 000133Black's QBP.